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Liza Flaherty

View  on LinkedIn (She/Her/Hers) Director

My Vynamic color

Clay Grey / #d4d8ca

Innovative health industry management consultant with a focus on omni-channel brand strategy, product launch planning, marketing campaign management and media optimization.

Boston, MA

Get to know Liza.

Health Industry sector experience

Life Sciences

Vynamic service expertise

Go-To-Market Strategy; Operating Model & Organization Design; Product Launch; Strategic Planning & Mobilization

Health Industry areas of focus

Commercial: Operations & Strategy; Product Launch; DEI & Health Equity

Best early career advice received

Treat every assignment as the biggest of your career.

Favorite professional work experience

Leading the development of a health equity initiative focused on creation and deployment of digital resources, including a free mobile app for underserved patient populations within an above brand, omni-channel oncology program.

Why the health industry

Management consulting in the health industry provides an ongoing challenge: to bring order to chaos, solve complex problems and strategically innovate. Knowing that no amount of success yesterday will guarantee my victory today energizes me to focus on ingenuity and to never stop learning.


Pasadena, California.

Favorite personal accomplishment

Becoming “Aunt Liza” to my nieces Grace and Margot, and goddaughter, Mia.

Local best kept secret

Café 472, the best frozen yogurt in Boston. More specifically, the best frozen yogurt toppings selection in Boston, which is why we all eat frozen yogurt anyway, right?

My family

My fiancé Brandon, and our Great Dane, Wellington.

My Vynamic color

“Clay grey” represents my love of ceramics and sculpting. Grey is not a color of extremes, but rather of middle grounds, reasonable agreement. “Clay grey” acts as a reminder to replace “black and white” thinking with compromise and balance, both professionally and personally.

What’s your Vynamic color?

Vynamic is currently seeking new team members (and their chosen colors) to add to our diverse palette. Ready to join a team that prioritizes authenticity and individuality? Explore the skills and experiences we need to grow our team.