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Meghan Rixey

View  on LinkedIn She/Her/Hers Senior Manager

My Vynamic color

Burnt Sienna / #783718

I am an experienced change management professional with a passion for being challenged and driving positive impact. I believe in working with teams to achieve individual and collective growth.

Boston, Massachusetts

Get to know Meghan.

Best early career advice received

"Take ownership for your own experience, and ownership for the collective experience"

Favorite professional work experience

Created a rapid prototyping solution to increase organizational agility for a large government agency, reducing the time for them to begin product development from 2-6 months to less than 2 weeks.

Locations I've worked

Washington, DC; Philadelphia, PA; Boston, MA

Professional passion

Driving positive change for the individual, the team, and the greater whole.

Why the health industry

Healthcare impacts all of us - particularly at our most vulnerable times. The opportunity to make healthcare more accessible and convenient for those who truly need it is such a positive motivator.

App I can't live without

Spotify! I start every morning with music.


Washington, DC

Favorite personal accomplishment

I've climbed 15 of Colorado's 14,000 ft. mountains.

Favorite travel destination

Skiing in Colorado - Copper Mountain is my favorite!

My pet(s)

Cooper, my pitbull-mix rescue pup.

What’s your Vynamic color?

Vynamic is currently seeking new team members (and their chosen colors) to add to our diverse palette. Ready to join a team that prioritizes authenticity and individuality? Explore the skills and experiences we need to grow our team.