Operating Model & Org Design.

We bring strategies to life by designing and implementing fit-for-purpose organizations.


Why leaders invest in their operating model.

Operating model and organization design defines how work gets done. It is hugely impactful and can be a source of competitive advantage in the market, impacting key metrics such as employee satisfaction, team productivity, and company performance.

Reasons to reassess Operating Model & Org Design.

  • Transformation: “We’ve developed a new vision and strategy to differentiate us from the competition. How can we best organize ourselves to achieve it?”
  • Innovation: “The market is changing faster than we can adapt. How can we get our teams to try new things, learn quickly, and scale success?”
  • Growth: “Our organization was designed for who we used to be, not who we are now or who we want to become. How can we set ourselves up for the future?”
  • Integration & Spin-Off: “Our core businesses are integrating. How can we make the whole greater than the sum of its parts?”

Vynamic's approach.

We believe there is a healthier way to approach organization design that makes it more consumable, reduces disruption, and leads to better outcomes. Our balanced approach is grounded in industry best practices, informed by a well-rounded understanding of health industry dynamics and trends, and tailored to specific client needs.

We look beyond structural organization charts to ensure a holistic design that considers layers of interdependent elements:

  • Strategy & desired capabilities align leadership on the overarching “north star” and determine how organization design leads to a solution.
  • Structure defines the power dynamic with hierarchical reporting relationships, roles, and responsibilities.
  • Connective tissue mitigates potential silos inherent to any organization structure by defining interaction models and information flows across teams.
  • Rewards & Performance Measures recognize the impact of human motivations to ensure individual incentives are aligned with those of the organization.
  • People ensures the right people are in the right seats, and if not, how the organization will get there.
  • Leadership & culture sets the tone and determines how team norms influence behavior to work collaboratively and drive results.

AI at Vynamic.

Implementing AI into your organization requires a structured approach and strategic alignment. This transformative technology can impact many pockets of your company from business operations to capabilities to people and culture. Find out how we can help.

Michael Hudson

Executive, Innovation Lead, & Operating Model & Org Design Service Lead

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