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Ellen Contois

View  on LinkedIn (She/Her/Hers) Director and Chief of Staff Offering Lead

My Vynamic color

Maroonstruck / #910039

Results-driven consultant focused on delivering strategic impact in evolving program and change management, operating model and multichannel marketing initiatives.

Boston, MA

Get to know Ellen.

Health Industry sector experience

Life Sciences

Vynamic service expertise

Change Management; Customer Experience Transformation; Operating Model & Organization Design; Strategic Planning & Mobilization

Health Industry areas of focus

Commercial: Operations & Strategy; Customer Experience Transformation

Favorite professional work experience

I partnered with a growing gene therapy biopharma company to develop and implement their digital marketing operating model across brands and vendors. This amazing team and I set the standard for patient-centric, scalable and innovative digital solutions across channels.

Favorite Vynamic event

Hosting the 2020 Boston All-Star Party at Fox & the Knife.

Best early career advice received

Less is more.

Why the Health industry

Healthcare has increasingly become a very nuanced and rapidly changing industry that has a direct, meaningful impact on people's lives. I find the industry rife with opportunities to learn, problem-solve and promote positive change in such a complex environment.

Health industry areas of focus

Rare disease, gene therapy, oncology

App I can't live without


Community cause

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Favorite book(s)

"When Breath Becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi

My family

My husband, David

My pet(s)

Our Shih Tzu mix, Dolly

What’s your Vynamic color?

Vynamic is currently seeking new team members (and their chosen colors) to add to our diverse palette. Ready to join a team that prioritizes authenticity and individuality? Explore the skills and experiences we need to grow our team.